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Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods

Publishing: Elsevier

The Journal of Biochemical and Biophysical Methods publishes research papers dealing with the development of new methods or the significant modification of existing techniques to solve biological problems. The scope of the Journal is broad, encompassing all methodological aspects of biochemistry, biophysics, molecular genetics and cellular biology; for example: electrophoresis, chromatography, NMR and fluorescence studies. The Journal also welcomes papers elaborating relevant methods and methodological advances in the emerging areas of biotechnology (such as protein engineering, biosensors design and utilization of DNA probes), cell and tissue culture studies, biomolecular electronics and membrane biophysics. These are but a few examples of the many methodologies covered by the broad scope of this journal. Although articles should be written in sufficient detail to allow easy verification, they should also be intelligible to a broad scientific audience.


CEBIO a I. etapa JVTP

  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina


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