Typ práce: hlavní pracovní poměr
We are seeking two post-doctoral scientists to join the Laboratory of Structural Virology in CEITEC (http://plevkalab.ceitec.cz). We use cryo-electron microscopy and tomography to determine three-dimensional structures of viruses and bacteriophages and characterize their infection of cells. We employ light-sheet fluorescence microscopy for time-resolved imaging of phage infection of biofilm. We study human viruses from the families Picornaviridae and Flaviviridae and tailed phages of Staphylococcus aureus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
Our lab is part of the Structural Biology program at CEITEC. We have access to in-house electron microscopes: Titan Krios equipped with Falcon4 and K2 detectors, Talos Arctica, TF20, and dual beam microscope Versa 3D for focused ion beam milling. The group includes technicians to assist with routine laboratory tasks.
We offer:
Anticipated start date: flexible, optimally April-November 2022
Application including CV including contact information of two referees and a full list of publications should be sent by e-application available on https://www.muni.cz/en/about-us/careers/vacancies/68200.
In case of any troubles with filling the e-application, please contact: Veronika Slezáková (veronika.slezakova@ceitec.muni.cz).
Application deadline: 31 .3. 2022
For further information about:
Kontaktní osoba:
Veronika Slezáková
Vloženo: 26.1.2022
Gate2Biotech - Biotechnologický portál - Vše o biotechnologiích na jednom místě.
ISSN 1802-2685
Tvorba webových stránek: CREOS CZ
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