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Current Protocols in Bioinformatics

Publishing: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

Published: 2002-

With Current Protocols in Bioinformatics, it\'s easier than ever for the life scientist to become \"fluent\" in bioinformatics and master the exciting new frontiers opened up by DNA sequencing. Updated every three months in all formats, CPBI is constantly evolving to keep pace with the very latest discoveries and developments. A year of these quarterly updates is included in the initial CPBI purchase price. That\'s 590 pages of new (80%) and revised (20%) content on average every year since the initial publication of the work in April 2002! Presently two volumes in its looseleaf print version, CPBI... features step-by-step instructions for working with hundreds of applications and databases from research groups around the globe. is designed for research biologists, not computational experts. shows how to select the right software parameters, analyze data, interpret results, generate hypotheses, and advance research to new levels. includes a valuable appendix on user fundamentals and a glossary of bioinformatics terms


CEBIO a I. etapa JVTP

  • BC AV CR
  • Budvar
  • CAVD
  • CZBA
  • Eco Tend
  • Envisan Gem
  • Gentrend
  • JAIP
  • Jihočeská univerzita
  • Madeta
  • Forestina
